In 2021 as well, Geca joined with enthusiasm to the 14 th edition of “MUSICA PER I MAESTRO” and it’s been a night full of emotions and warmth.

Congratulations to all performers for their talents and thanks to Agorà Aps to always involve us and supporting our association!

Geca is the happiest to communicate that Agorà Association of Valgreghentino has surprised us once again first few days of February of 2022, it filled our hearts with joy donating an overwhelming amount of money supporting research and Geca’s activities.

A thank goes to Mamme Solidali di Agorà Aps as well who with their Pupazzi Solidali rose a considerable amount of money to give us.
We’ll never stop thanking you all for the economic support but mostly for always standing by our side and belivieng in what we do.
Together we’re teaming up to help our younger families.