Dear Members and Supporters,

This year as always, even through the difficulties Covid has brought, we managed to reach our goals:

  • Daily in person meetings at Geca’s location
  • 24/7 Telephonic availability
  • In person cardiology consultation
  • Psychological support service
  • Cardiology visits booking on dedicated days at the hospital for Geca families and for whom who reaches out to us
  • In person support services at cardiologist ambulatory
  • Adhesion to “esercizio fisico in palestre della salute” project started by Doctor Alessandro Zorzi for the younger to offer them physical exercises in all safety
  • Participation in the thesis survey of Matteo Forcelli about drug choice for rare diseases
  • Participation to Padova marathon: if not the most numerous group, we surely were the most colorfull and diverse one for age and origin
  • Participation to the 14 th edition of Musica per il Maestro festival of Agorà di Valgreghentino, a night full of music feelings and warmth
  • Collaboration with Tigotà: our volunteers wrapped up Christmas packages in the shop on road Crescini, an opportunity to promote our Association
  • The continuation of Foundation Cariparo AttivaMente project prevention of heart disesases in middle schools and high schools
  • Allocation of a 12.000,00 EUROS scholarship at University of Padua to Doctor Riccardo Bariani, cardiologist at the hospital that support us with great effort.
  • Donation of 54.000,00 EUROS to the biology department of University of Padua with “cuore matto” to support a research project for Professor Alessandra Rampazzo’s new drug aimed at stopping the progression of arrhythmic heart disease of the right ventricle

Find attached report from Professor Rampazzo on what has been done e future prospective:

2021 Reached goals:

1. Recruitment of a scholarship holder full time for research purposes for in vitro testing on a drug
2. Medical treatment of specific heart cell of a arrhythmic heart disease mouse model and genes functioning analysis involved in fibrosis and adiposity production

Future programming:

1. 2 years long scholarship
2. Generations and characterization of other mouse lines models
3. Specific cells drug treatment
4. In vitro testing of drug

Thanks to your donations, we are proud of participating to reach such an important result: our effort and support to the project will go on through 2022 and your precious donations will go through bank account or postal account to Geca Onlus Association specifying as payment description “raccolta cuore matto” or through web site #CuoreMatto | Rete del Dono #CuoreMatto | Rete del Dono

The future…

It will see our effort towards keeping up our services and important projects for the younger, with students and in all those events and activities that aims to research and Geca’s constant promotion.
To ensure continuity to Geca’s commitments it’s important to work in team, the most numerous one possible – so let’s all remember to update the membership for 2022!
Only your generosity with 5×1000 and your donations let us grant our free services, reach our goals and support our projects.

These are the new Bank account data from December 11th on:

bank current account 1000/012073
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
IBAN: IT94Y0306912123100000012073
post office account 20254355
IBAN: IT42A0760112100000020254355
beneficiary: Giovani e cuore aritmico onlus – GECA ONLUS

Thank you for always choosing us!

This year as well due to pandemic linked limitations it won’t be possible to wish you all happy holidays in person, but we are hoping

firma scritta a mano