Dear members and supporters,
thank you all for your large attendance at the informative meeting
in occasion of the twenty-years of foundation Associazion Giovani e Cuore Aritmico Geca Onlus

The meeting that took place Saturday October 8 th 2022 starting at 9 AM
at Aula G.B. Morgagni at Via Giustiniani 2, Padova.
I’m glad to share with you all that the meeting registered a large attendance, more than 300 participants from all Italy. The event, meant to celebrate the 20 anniversary of Geca’s activities, enriched with scientific news on arrhythmic cardiac diseases
from our qualified researcher and doctors, has been an occasion to pay tribute and a wholeheartedly memory to our beloved cardiology Prof Andrea Nava, whom Prof Thiene has tracked the important activity and original intuitions.
The main phase revolved around the showcase of the activities lead out by our association that has now reached 900 members and 450 families. By interfacing in the doctor-patient connection to best understand the disease, underlining the importance of keeping up with treatment and specific prescribed appointments, to face a normal life knowing the problem. In this field was proved as fundamentally relevant psychological support activities as well as autogenic training lead out by our psycologists – focal point and trust worthy for our patients and their relatives, facing anxiety and doubts coming up linked to the disease.
The roundtable, coordinated by ongoing Prof Barbara Bauce, has characterized the final part of the meeting – it’s been a moment of interchange and updating between many studious people sitting there and the patients and their relatives attending.
Our biggest thank goes out to Prof Bauce, our scientific contact person, towards who all our gratitude goes for always supporting us in the realisation of this meeting, always interpreter of patients needs and fundamental connection with new scientific discoveries.
Thank again to you all.

President Graziella Paola Marcon and all headboard